You deserve it…We all deserve it!


As some of you know, my birthday was earlier this month and I really wanted to celebrate it in style!  However, that weekend was not a good time for me/us to celebrate, nor were subsequent weekends for that matter.  So… we decided the only thing that made sense was to wait for the holiday weekend and really make it a fun little getaway!  And that is JUST exactly what we did. 🙂


Although if I am being honest with you and myself it wasn’t easy to just turn it all off…to tune it all out…to leave it all behind… even for just a few days.  Especially with all of my recent family upheaval.


And, what I believe makes it even more difficult is that I am such a caregiver by nature.  And John even more so that I.  We are definitely the type of people to put others needs before our own. And sometimes this can get in the way of taking care of ourselves.


I even considered turning off my phone for the entire weekend so that nothing and no one could dampen our plans.  It was really important to me that nothing ruin my birthday celebration.


But I didn’t turn off my phone…it was on all weekend long.  And happily nothing and no one put a damper on the celebration.  We had a beautiful special weekend together!  It was fantastic! 🙂


So take some time just for YOU!

Do it…YOU deserve it!

Unplug for just a little while…even if it’s just a day…it will all be there when you get back…and YOU will feel all the better for doing it!