Are you wondering what I am talking about???


“Be Mine”

“Love Me”

“Kiss Me”

“Hug Me”


Ohhhhhh Yes…It’s Valentine’s Day!


This is the time of year when the New England Confectionary Company stops making Neco Wafers and makes “Sweethearts”.  Those lovely little heart shaped candies that almost whisper sweet nothings to your sweetheart.


Well…however you want to look at it…they certainly make Me smile!  🙂


So I have to ask you… Why would a man not enjoy receiving a lovely bouquet of long stemmed roses??  OR a big beautiful bunch of sweet smelling flowers??  Or, a nice big box of yummy chocolate???


I can tell you for absolute certain that my boyfriend would be simply giddy with delight if any of these lovely gifts were bestowed upon him come Valentine’s Day!  Yellow, if you please (his favorite color).   The brighter and sweeter the better.


All things sexual and sensual are NOT assigned to one gender.


We all love to be pleased, titillated, and teased!


We all long to be that special someone, that pretty little Valentine!


We all wish to be someone’s favorite…to make someone’s heart sing!


We all want to feel SO very special on this special day!


Won’t you be Mine or make someone Yours?


Valentine’s Day is about giving, more than receiving.  Give your heart honestly, truly, unconditionally…the gifts you receive back will be endless!!!