Worried about missing me???  Set up an appointment with me so this doesn’t happen to you!!!


I have been invited to an Alison In Wonderland themed party this weekend and it got me thinking about the white rabbit who is always late.  If you are anything like the white rabbit and don’t plan ahead and are always late…you will almost assuredly miss me!


And, now that summer is in full swing, where schedules are more relaxed and often change with the wind…what better time to discuss setting up a scheduled call with me.  You never miss out and I am always on time and here just for YOU!


Don’t be like that white rabbit who is ALWAYS late.  Given what rabbits are known for…we probably know what that important date he is late for entails *wink*.


So, here is the deal…I am going on vacation for the last week of July but I will be more than available for all of you brave and worthy soles who are willing to schedule a call with me!


Might you get lucky and reach me while I am logged in?!?  Of course!  But you just might wind up like that poor rabbit and miss me by a minute or two or three or four.


Should you take such a risk OR should you schedule a call with your Goddess??  The choice of course is always yours. 🙂


And I do LOVE scheduled calls…any time of the year!!  However, during the lazy days of summer it may be in your best interest to schedule a session with your Goddess before she winds up on a beautiful beach sipping her frosty sweet pina colada without YOU