Welcome to the next stop on the Holiday Blog Train; you just came from Ms Tias’s Blog


What Is The Winter Solstice?

The winter solstice is literally a celebration of the imminent return of sun. It’s referred to as the shortest day of the year. What exactly is the solstice (in case you’re not sure)? Well, it happens twice a year, when the Northern Hemisphere is at it’s maximum tilt away from the sun. So, on the day of the winter solstice, as seen from the earth, the sun travels its shortest path through the sky. And this year, on Saturday, December 21, 2024 at 1:19 a.m. PST and 4:19 a.m. EST, thatโ€™s what will happen for us in the Northern Hemisphere. Conversely, the Southern Hemisphere will be enjoying their summer solstice at the exact same moment, as their half of the globe is tilted towards the sun. Astronomically, the winter solstice marks the end of fall and the beginning of winter. Early pagan winter solstice traditions were created to celebrate the return of the sun.


Winter Solstice Rituals & Traditions

Some of the many winter solstice rituals include: brewing mulled cider and eating winter solstice foods, lighting lanterns and candles, reciting winter solstice quotes, poems, or blessings, striking special yoga moves, and setting intentions for the season and/or the new year ahead.


Goddess Mandy’s Rituals

Our rituals (John & I) for both the solstices and equinoxes are very much the same. And each and every night as we sit down for dinner, we first say our gratitude’s for the day and toast the special people in our lives who are still here with us, those that have passed, or those that we want celebrate and/or send healing wishes to. ๐Ÿ™‚ After that nightly ritual and before we begin our meal…we light a very special candle and John says a Pagan blessing for this special day, for the light, for the season, and for goodness. We have been enjoying this seasonal practice for many years now. And each and every time John lights our special candle his words come out just a little bit different. ๐Ÿ™‚


I found these words and I just might like to incorporate them into our winter solstice candle lighting celebration on December 21st…

“May you find peace in the promise of the solstice night, that each day forward is blessed with more light. That the cycle of nature, unbroken and true, brings faith to your soul and well-being to you.”


And I also really like this…

Say a prayer that all your hopes will manifest with the flame of this fire. Ask for all your limiting beliefs & negativity to be burned away. Ask for this Yule flame to light the spark of your hopes & dreams for the year, and to give you the strength and the power to bring them to life.


I would absolutely LOVE to hear about your special winter and/or holiday rituals and traditions!ย  Please take a moment to share (in the comments section) with me and with our beautiful LDW/Enchantrix Community! ๐Ÿ™‚

To Continue on the blog train, check out Ms. Harper’s post here


Joy & Love,

Goddess Mandy ๐Ÿ™‚ XO