Will Your Cock Be The Last One Standing?!?

Stroke That Cock! Stroke That Cock! Stroke That Cock!   Cum to the Stroke-A-Thon on September 7th!!! Ohhhhh… but wait…I should really say, DON’T CUM! 😉 Because if you DON’T CUM then you’ll WIN and your cock will indeed be the last...

Wrap Your Fingers Around That Cock…

And Let’s Go!!! 🙂 The Stroke-A-Thon is coming and it’s going to be more fun and sexier than ever!! OMG…watching beautiful hard cocks get stroked, and stroked, and stroked some more…YES PLEASE, SIGN ME UP!!! I can’t wait…but I will...

Who Are You? Who Do You Want To Be?

Who are You? I think as we grow up or move on in years we often become more in tune with ourselves, our desires, our interests, our values, our aspirations, our thoughts, our feelings, our bodies. We often become a bit more in tune with who we really are in this...

Watch Or Be Watched…That Is The Question?!?

  Watch or Be Watched?   So what is your take on this question?!? After all it’s still (for just a little while longer) Masturbation May. But my real thought is…why must we choose? Of course we really don’t have to, right?? Cause I...

The Results Are In…Drum Roll Please! ;-)

So…first of all I want to let you all know just how much fun I had not only putting this little “quiz” together…but getting and reading all of your responses!!! AND I want to thank ALL of you who participated for making it just SO great for me!...