In my opinion are often the best and most wonderful pleasures that life has to offer…and I do mean this most sincerely!


John and I have been on vacation since last weekend and we most definitely have been enjoying many simple pleasures together.   Our little one room cabin is just perfect and has all that we need to live simply for the week.


Enjoying berries and tea on our cute little sunny deck as we listen to the birds call out and chipmunks scurry and chase…


Playing cards under a lovely shade filled canopy by the pond…


Enjoying long walks up and down woodsy trails holding hands…


Lying on our cabin floor in the dark listening to the Red Sox broadcast from 2 small speakers…


Enjoying many not so competitive games of shuffleboard…yet I will tell you that he has won all but two, lol.  But we don’t need to keep score…it’s really ALL about having fun!


Lying naked on the beach while the cool breeze excites our skin…


Hopping in to a paddle boat for two and slowly making our way across the beautiful tree-lined pond…


And skinny dipping at dawn…just as the sun is coming up…so refreshing…so freeing…so perfect!  🙂


So, these are MY wonderful simple pleasures…this summer so far!  Now I want to hear about YOURS!!!  What simple pleasures have you found for yourself this summer???   Are there simple pleasures that you find yourself indulging in monthly, weekly, even daily perhaps?!?!   Tell me!!   I want to hear what brings YOU joy!!